- Aspects of the secular dynamics of terrestrial orbits, Jérôme Daquin (UNamur), March 12, 13:00 – 14:00, E22
- A Low-rank tensor based preconditioner for accelerating deformable 3D medical image registration, Justin Buhendwa Nyenyezi (ISP-Bukavu, DRC), March 26, 13:00 – 14:00, E25
- The Concern in Climate Change News: A Driver of Flight-to-Green Investment Episodes?, Keven Bluteau (Ghent University & HEC Montreal), April 2, 13:00 – 14:00, E25
Abstracts can be found on our website: https://www.naxys.be/events |
THE FIRST GRANTEE OF A NAXYS POST-DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP. Jérôme Daquin joined naXys in March 2020. Welcome to him!
“After being awarded my PhD in 2015 at Paris Observatory in the field of Astronomy and Astrophysics, I worked at RMIT University, Melbourne (2016-2018) as a postdoctoral fellow for SERC’s Space Research Program (http://www.serc.org.au/about/). I worked then under an ERC grant (`Stable and chaotic motions in the planetary problem’) leaded by Gabriella Pinzari in the Department of Mathematics, University of Padova (2018-2020). My research focuses on the long-term dynamics of terrestrial orbits. I tackle the problem of space sustainability and space debris under the dynamical system umbrella, by combining analytical and computational techniques. In naXys, I will deepen certain aspects of this endeavour (e.g., investigations of gravitational secondary resonances, improved space objects catalogue via synthetic population techniques) thanks to the expertise of the team developed through the years.”
FRANCQUI CHAIR. The UNamur Department of Mathematics hosted last February the Francqui Chair laureate Prof. Duccio Fanelli from the University of Florence (Italy). His research interests fall in the realm of statistical mechanics and complex systems, with applications e.g. to biology and neuroscience. Such topics were developed during an Inaugural lecture Complex systems: physics beyons physics and a cycle of 4 lectures Macroscopic order from microscopic disorder: from endogenous noise to topology driven instability, all well attended by the naXys PhD students and researchers.
- Existence of limit cycles for some generalisation of the Liénard equations: the relativistic and the prescribed curvature cases, Carletti, T. & Villari, G., 2020, In: Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 2020, 2, p. 1-15
- A dynamic network analysis of emergent grammar Ibbotson, P., Salnikov, V. & Walker, R., 2019, In: First Language, 39, 6, p. 652-680
- Complexity of partially separable convexly constrained optimization with non-Lipschitzian singularities, Chen, X., Toint, P. & Wang, H., 2019, In: SIAM Journal on Optimization, 29, 1, p. 874-903
- Rock–paper–scissors dynamics from random walks on temporal multiplex networks, Gueuning, M., Cheng, S., Lambiotte, R. & Delvenne, J-C., 2019, In: Journal of Complex Networks
- Well-posedness of infinite-dimensional linear systems with nonlinear feedback, Hastir, A., Califano, F. & Zwart, H., 2019, In: Systems and Control Letters, 128, p. 19-25
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