Serge Gratton (Toulouse INP)
Title : Adaptive regularization algorithms for Objective-Function-Free Optimization Abstract : This work is about the fastest known optimization method in terms of …
Title : Adaptive regularization algorithms for Objective-Function-Free Optimization Abstract : This work is about the fastest known optimization method in terms of …
Title : Identifying low dimensional systems from high dimensional observations Abstract : Motivated by the increasing availability of motion data through multiple …
Title: Impact of mixed-variable management by probability features in an Evolutionary Algorithm Abstract: The management of mixed variables, i.e., of different natures …
Title: Recent topics in complexity for nonconvex optimization problems Abstract: The talk will review results on the evaluation complexity of algorithms for …
Title: Applications of the Heisenberg-Weyl group to quantum state tomography with focus on dimensions 2 (quits) and 3 (qutrits) Quantum state tomography aims …
Title: Dynamical Phase Transitions in Quantum Reservoir Computing Closed quantum systems may exhibit different dynamical regimes, such as Many-Body Localization or thermalization, …
Title: Collective Decision Making: From Bees to Robots via Multiscale Modelling Abstract: I will give an overview of my studies on collective …
Title: The Quantum Chesire Cat: some new aspects and possibilities Abstract: Quantum Chesire Cat is a counterintuitive phenomenon that provides a new window …
Title: An evolutionary computing approach to optical engineering Abstract: We present a genetic algorithm that we developed in order to address computationally …
Title: Alternative expression of the Bloch wave group velocity using the Sturm-Liouville formalism applied to electromagnetic wave propagation in periodic dielectric media