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Space, Page 2

Jean Teyssandier (Université de Namur)

Title: An overview of astrophysical disc dynamics Astrophysical discs appear at all scales in the Universe, from rings around planets to galactic discs. …

Jérôme Daquin (UNamur)

Title: Aspects of the secular dynamics of terrestrial orbits Abstract: The threat raised by space debris has vivified long-term studies of terrestrial …

William Polycarpe (IMCCE, France)

Title: Iapetus, the key to the whole system ? Abstract : Iapetus possesses all the attributes and characteristics of the whole system …

Alexis Coyette (UNamur)

Title: Modeling the rotation of Titan Abstract: Observation of the rotation of synchronously rotating satellites can help to probe their interior. We …

Jean Teyssandier (Cornell University, USA)

Title: Orbital evolution during planet-⁠disc interactions Abstract: The origin and wide distribution of eccentricities and inclinations in planetary systems remains to be …

Eve-Aline Dubois (UNamur)

Titre: The early times of stationary cosmologies Abstract: The Steady-state model of Bondi and Gold, on the one hand, and Hoyle’s model …

Sébastien Clesse (UCL – UNamur)

Title: Is Dark Matter made of Primordial Black Holes? Abstract: The detection of gravitational waves by Advanced-LIGO/VIRGO has opened a wide new …