Lecturers: Professor Christophe Ley (University of Luxembourg) and Professor Germain Van Bever (University of Namur)
In this short course, we shall make an introduction to classical tools in nonparametric classification. We shall also take a stroll along Machine Learning from a statistical perspective (discussing inter alia Random Forests), including a comparison to statistical learning. We shall illustrate the working of Machine Learning via some concrete applications, including a prediction of international football tournaments.
The school will take place at University of Namur (Room PA02, Faculty of Sciences) in the mornings (9h30-12h45) of the days 25-26-27 of January. The lectures will be only in person.
Website: https://www.unamur.be/sciences/mathematique/EDStat
The school is organized by the department of Mathematics of Université de Namur and naXys, the Namur Institute for Complex Systems and funded by the FNRS and Université de Namur.