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Christian Bick (VU Amsterdam)

Title : Higher-order Interaction Networks: Phase Reduction, Synchronization, and Global Dynamics  Abstract : Synchronization is a fascinating effect of the interaction between …

Benoît Bonnet-Weill (CNRS)

Title : A Set-Valued Approach to Koopman Operators for Control Systems Abstract : In this talk, I will present a new approach …

Jean-Charles Delvenne (UCLouvain)

Title : Markov chains, transport theory and statistical physics Abstract : We look at the following motivating problem: how to move an …

Michaël Fanuel (Université de Lille)

Title : Sparsification of the magnetic Laplacian with statistical guarantees Abstract :   Laplacian matrices are discrete analogues of Laplacian differential operators, …

Morine Delhelle (UCLouvain)

Title : Copula based dependent censoring in cure models with covariates Abstract : In survival data analysis, datasets with both a cure fraction (individuals …

Christian Mugisho Zagabe (University of Namur)

Title: Lie-algebraic condition for uniform stability of switched nonlinear systems: Construction of a common Lyapunov function by the Koopman operator approach. Abstract: Switched systems consist …

Johan SEGERS (UCLouvain)

Title: Graphical and uniform consistency of estimated optimal transport plans Abstract: A general theory is provided delivering convergence of maximal cyclically monotone …

Jeongjin Lee (University of Namur)

Title: Partial Tail Correlation for Extremes Abstract: We develop a method for investigating conditional extremal relationships between variables. We consider an inner …