The naXys Research Day takes place at La Bergerie de Lives (100 rue de Mosanville, 5000 Namur).
13.00-13.30 Welcome and words of the President, A.-S. Libert
13.30-13.45 Meet Jeanick Pignolet, Executive assistant
13.45-14.30 Flash talks (3 minutes / 3 slides) by naXys PhD students
14.30-15.15 Design the research poles – SPACE | BIO | OPTICS | AI | ECO | ROBUST
15.15-15.30 Feedback
COFFEE BREAK (15.30 – 16.10)
16.10-17.50 Interdisciplinary talks (15′ + 5′) by naXys post-docs and PI
17.50-18.00 Conclusion
- Alexandru Caliman, Long-term stability of planetary systems
- Arunima Sidker, Stress echoes: how past environments shape population responses to future stress
- Antoine Hubermont, Predictive maintenance as a multi label classification problem
- Baptiste Perez Riaza, Empirical insights into crypto-assets using network inference
- Charles Modera, Generation of High-Frequency Gravitational Waves Using Resonant Cavities
- Davoud Alahvirdi, Traffic monitoring and management by swarm of drone
- François-Grégoire Bierwart, Koopman-based framework for stability analysis of dynamical systems
- Julien Pietquin, Urban traffic networks with unmanned aerial vehicules
- Loic Warscotte, Weighing vehicules with piezo material
- Marie Dorchain, Turing patterns on higher-order structures
- Martin Moriamé, Control of synchronization in Higher-order networks
- Nemanja Antonic, BABOTS: the design and control of biological animal robots
- Nicolas Roy, Surrogate-Assisted Heuristic Optimization in Photonic Device Engineering
- Williams Dhelonga, Probing the universe with the light sail or the Einstein Dirac fermions
- Yun Li, Biodiversity shifts mediate global change effects on trophic pyramids
- Alexis Coyette, JUICE – Constraining the interior of the Galilean Moons
- Gonzalo Marcello Ramirez-Avila, Modeling posible chronobiological strategies for improving radiotherapy treatments
- Jean-Yves Gnabo, Climate Risk Exposure : A Comparative Analysis of Sustainable and Conventional Funds
- Maxime Boucher, On directional runs and their local and asymptotic properties
- Mohammed Alkhateeb, Tunneling time problem in relativistic quantum field theory