Sébastien Clesse (UCL – UNamur)
E22Title: Is Dark Matter made of Primordial Black Holes? Abstract: The detection of gravitational waves by Advanced-LIGO/VIRGO has opened a wide new …
Title: Is Dark Matter made of Primordial Black Holes? Abstract: The detection of gravitational waves by Advanced-LIGO/VIRGO has opened a wide new …
Titre: The early times of stationary cosmologies Abstract: The Steady-state model of Bondi and Gold, on the one hand, and Hoyle's model …
Title: Orbital evolution during planet-disc interactions Abstract: The origin and wide distribution of eccentricities and inclinations in planetary systems remains to be …
Title: Modeling the rotation of Titan Abstract: Observation of the rotation of synchronously rotating satellites can help to probe their interior. We …
Title: Iapetus, the key to the whole system ? Abstract : Iapetus possesses all the attributes and characteristics of the whole system …
Title: Aspects of the secular dynamics of terrestrial orbits Abstract: The threat raised by space debris has vivified long-term studies of terrestrial …
Title: An overview of astrophysical disc dynamics Astrophysical discs appear at all scales in the Universe, from rings around planets to galactic discs. …
Title: Dynamical analysis of resonant multi-planet systems Throughout this seminar, I intend to cover some of the general problems observed in the …
Title : Detecting High-Frequency Gravitational Waves with Resonant Electromagnetic Detectors In this talk the possibility to detect gravitational waves (GW) from planetary-mass primordial …
Title: Studying the topology of the space population using networks Abstract: With more than 23.000 tracked objects orbiting Earth, satellite operators find …
Title: Space-Manifold Dynamics for Small Solar-System Bodies Abstract: Centaurs are a prominent group of small Solar-System bodies in highly dispersed orbits between …
Title: A calibration of chaos for the refinement of planetary systems Abstract: The observed diversity of planetary systems raises questions that challenge …
Title: Chaos in the Geminid Meteoroid stream Abstract: Meteor showers originate from a parent body (an asteroid or a comet). This parent …
Title: Vortex and gravitational modeling : A long journey with a rich mathematical history Abstract: Vortex and gravitational dynamics have long fascinating …
Title: Stability of exoplanetary systems retrieved from scalar time series Abstract: In this talk I propose a novel method applied to extrasolar planetary …
Title: Fundamentals of relativistic astrodynamics and rocketry Abstract: Astrodynamics traditionally denotes the study of controlled flight paths of human-made spacecraft (Kaplan, 1976). …
Title : Exploring Weak measurements within the Einstein-Dirac Cosmological framework. Abstract : Our study applies the Two-State Formalism alongside weak measurements within …