Jeong Min Jeon (KU Leuven & Université de Namur)
Title: Deconvolution estimation on hypersphere This paper considers nonparametric estimation with contaminated data observed on the unit hypersphere $S^d$. For such data, …
Title: Deconvolution estimation on hypersphere This paper considers nonparametric estimation with contaminated data observed on the unit hypersphere $S^d$. For such data, …
Online Seminar - Join by using this link Title: "A Multi-Type Branching Process Method for Modelling Complex Contagion on Clustered Networks" Online …
The seminar will take place in person, Room S08, Faculty of Sciences Title: Predicting the impact of environmental change on coexistence I introduce …
Title: "Vaccination strategy design by a state-feedback control for an Age-Dependent epidemiologic model" An age-dependent SIR epidemic model is studied with an …
Title: Spectral identification of networks with generalized diffusive coupling Spectral network identification aims at inferring the eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix of …
Title: "Using social contact data to inform covid-19 epidemiological models and parameters" Concerning SARS-CoV-2 transmission as well as many other infectious diseases, …
Title: DECISION FROM INDECISION IN MULTI-AGENT MULTI-OPTION DYNAMICS How does a group of agents break indecision about a set of options? Many …
Title: Studying the topology of the space population using networks Abstract: With more than 23.000 tracked objects orbiting Earth, satellite operators find …
Title: On the evolution of mechanisms for collective decision making in a swarm of robots Abstract - A swarm of robots can collectively …
Title: Modelling Music with Multilayer Networks In this talk I will introduce our Multilayer Network Model for musical pieces. The goal of …
Title: Koopman and Perron-Frobenius operators on reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces Abstract: Koopman operators and reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS) share a common …
Title: Space-Manifold Dynamics for Small Solar-System Bodies Abstract: Centaurs are a prominent group of small Solar-System bodies in highly dispersed orbits between …
Title: Observer and control design for cell population models of yeast fermentation processes Abstract: In bioreactors, the lack of available online process …
Title: Partial Tail Correlation for Extremes Abstract: We develop a method for investigating conditional extremal relationships between variables. We consider an inner …
Authors: Yuzuru Kato and Hiroya Nakao* Title: Turing instability in quantum activator–inhibitor systems Abstract: We show that Turing instability, a fundamental mechanism …
Title: A calibration of chaos for the refinement of planetary systems Abstract: The observed diversity of planetary systems raises questions that challenge …
Title: Recent topics in complexity for nonconvex optimization problems Abstract: The talk will review results on the evaluation complexity of algorithms for …
Title: Lie-algebraic condition for uniform stability of switched nonlinear systems: Construction of a common Lyapunov function by the Koopman operator approach. Abstract: Switched systems consist …
Title: Chaos in the Geminid Meteoroid stream Abstract: Meteor showers originate from a parent body (an asteroid or a comet). This parent …
Title: Graphical and uniform consistency of estimated optimal transport plans Abstract: A general theory is provided delivering convergence of maximal cyclically monotone …
Title: A quick introduction to knots and braids Abstract: In this talk I will do an overview on the theory of knots …
Title: A journey into the mathematical universe: Topological Data Analysis. A briefintroduction and some applications. Abstract: Data Science is a highly evolving …
Title: Impact of mixed-variable management by probability features in an Evolutionary Algorithm Abstract: The management of mixed variables, i.e., of different natures …
Title: Inverses of polynomials over finite fields - A Koopman operator based approach Abstract: Any map (linear or non-linear) from a finite …
Title: Geometrical and non-normal properties of weak values Authors: Lorena Ballesteros Ferraz, Dominique Lambert, Timoteo Carletti, Riccardo Muolo,and Yves Caudano Abstract: Quantum …
Title: Large-scale transport model systems: from synthetic population generation to agent-based simulation Abstract: 1. Generation of synthetic populations exploiting dependency structure transfer …
Title: Phase transition to Synchronization in a system of Swarmalators Abstract: Systems of oscillators called Swarmalators,whose phase and spatial dynamics are coupled, …
Title: Records Analysis in Climate Attribution Abstract: Numerical climate models are complex and combine a large number of physical processes. They are …
Title: Bump Attractors and Waves in Networks of Integrate-and-Fire Neurons Abstract: Bump attractors are localised patterns observed in in vivo experiments of neurobiological …
Title: Compact objects and scalar fields in theories of gravity with torsion, ep. 1 : modelisation Abstract: General Relativity offers an extremely …
Title: Data-Driven State Criticality and Observability with Koopman Operator Methods Abstract: I will present two major results to show the use of …
Title: Vortex and gravitational modeling : A long journey with a rich mathematical history Abstract: Vortex and gravitational dynamics have long fascinating …
Title: From Chaos to Clarity: Revealing Oceanic Transport Pathways In Real-World Applications Through Dynamical Systems Abstract: Finding order in the apparent chaos …
Title: Stability of exoplanetary systems retrieved from scalar time series Abstract: In this talk I propose a novel method applied to extrasolar planetary …
Title: Fundamentals of relativistic astrodynamics and rocketry Abstract: Astrodynamics traditionally denotes the study of controlled flight paths of human-made spacecraft (Kaplan, 1976). …
Title : Accelerating Simulations with NVIDIA Modulus Abstract : High-fidelity simulations in science and engineering are computationally expensive and time-prohibitive for quick …
Title : Copula based dependent censoring in cure models with covariates Abstract : In survival data analysis, datasets with both a cure fraction (individuals …
Title : Sparsification of the magnetic Laplacian with statistical guarantees Abstract : Laplacian matrices are discrete analogues of Laplacian differential operators, …
Title : Markov chains, transport theory and statistical physics Abstract : We look at the following motivating problem: how to move an …
Title : SO(2) and O(2) Equivariance in Image Recognition with Bessel-Convolutional Neural Networks Abstract : For many years, it has been shown …
Title : A Set-Valued Approach to Koopman Operators for Control Systems Abstract : In this talk, I will present a new approach …
Title : Random walks on networks with limiting nodes carrying capacities Abstract : Over the last years, network science has emerged as …
Title : Exploring Weak measurements within the Einstein-Dirac Cosmological framework. Abstract : Our study applies the Two-State Formalism alongside weak measurements within …
Title : Identifying low dimensional systems from high dimensional observations Abstract : Motivated by the increasing availability of motion data through multiple …
Title : Nonlinear pattern formation of tape peeling Abstract : When we look closely at the peel front of the adhesives, we …
Title : A general theory of phase reduction for systems with higher-order interactions Abstract: Synchronization is a ubiquitous emergent phenomenon in which …
Title : Higher-order Interaction Networks: Phase Reduction, Synchronization, and Global Dynamics Abstract : Synchronization is a fascinating effect of the interaction between …
Title : Adaptive regularization algorithms for Objective-Function-Free Optimization Abstract : This work is about the fastest known optimization method in terms of …
Title : Of higher-order interactions, whales, and fungi Abstract : The strength of dynamical systems and network models lies in their ability …
Title : Employing dynamical modeling to understand complex phenomena: from interacting bistable systems to football ball possession Abstract : I have been …
Title : Introduction of two studies: (1) analysis of oscillation quenching by periodic perturbation and (2) parameter estimation of Kuramoto model Abstract …
Title : Did the laws of physics emerge at t=10-34 s? Abstract : According to the vast majority of the inflationary models …
Title : Transport logistics in a growing fungal network Abstract : Branching forms are ubiquitous in nature and evolved repeatedly throughout evolution. …
Title : Linear Functional Ecology - Rethinking species contributions to ecosystem functions Abstract : Ecosystem functions describe processes like biomass production, respiration, or nutrient cycling, …
Title : Hidden convexity in linear neural networks Abstract : Training neural networks involves minimising a loss function that is nonconvex with …
Title : Mechanisms and behaviors in complex systems with group interactions Abstract : The interplay between causal mechanisms and emerging collective behaviors …
Title : The best of both worlds: when constraint programming and machine learning help each other Abstract : Constraint programming is well …
Title : Abstract : The seminar will take place in Room S08 at the Faculty of Sciences.
Title : BEAMM project : How do we deal with data ? Statistical matching and WGAN generation. Abstract : In the framework …
Title : Abstract : The seminar will take place in Room S08 at the Faculty of Sciences.
Title : Abstract : The seminar will take place in Room S08 at the Faculty of Sciences.