Title: Opinion dynamics and fake versus traditional news influence in Twitter Abstract: We investigate the opinion of Twitter users during the 2016 …
Title: Modelling structure and predicting dynamics of discussion threads in online boards using Hawkes processesAbstract: Online social platforms provide a fruitful source …
Title: Orbital evolution during planet-disc interactions Abstract: The origin and wide distribution of eccentricities and inclinations in planetary systems remains to be …
Title : Peculiarities of reaction and diffusion on temporal networks Abstract: A common assumption in the ever-increasing literature on network-defined dynamical systems …
Title: Applications of Monotone Systems Theory to Synthetic Biology Abstract: In this talk, we will discuss some mathematical problems arising in the …
Title: Feedback induced stationary and oscillatory patterns in complex bistable networks Abstract: In this talk we will present theoretical and experimental findings on …
Title: Regular school closure & influenza epidemics: a data-driven spatial transmission model for Belgium Abstract: School closure is often considered as an …
Title: Exploring the dynamics of nonlinear experiments using control-based continuation Abstract: With the constant drive for better performance and efficiency, technological boundaries …
Title: Cities and roads as pattern formation of their co-evolving dynamics on real-world landscape Abstract: Cities and their inter-connected transport networks form …
Title: Statistical properties of non linear random walks on networks Abstract: Random walks simulate various interacting entities (the nodes) which exchange ’particles’ …
Founded in 2010 as a research center, naXys has recently evolved into an Institute. Join us to celebrate our kick-off meeting. Program …
Title: An evolutionary computing approach to optical engineering Abstract: We present a genetic algorithm that we developed in order to address computationally …
Title: Three recent research works in swarm robotics Abstract: In this talk, I briefly illustrate objectives and achievements of three experiments that …
Title: Modeling the rotation of Titan Abstract: Observation of the rotation of synchronously rotating satellites can help to probe their interior. We …
Title: Symmetric Component Analysis and Functional Independent Component Analysis Abstract: With the increase in measurement precision, functional data is becoming common practice. …
Title: Ants and their associates as a model system to test host-symbiont network dynamics Abstract: An extremely large number of organisms engage …
Title: Staffing optimization in call centers Abstract: Call centers are prominent in modern life, and labor intensive. We aim to determine the …
Title: A New Approach to Complexity in Economic Geography Abstract: The design of efficient regional policies calls for a reliable understanding of …
Title: Information Diffusion on Twitter: exploiting the timings of Retweets Abstract: Online social networks such as Twitter have emerged as influential platforms …
Title: Multi-class Vector AutoRegressive Models for Multi-Market Commodity Data Abstract: Vector AutoRegressive (VAR) models form a special case of multivariate regression models …
Title: Climate event attribution using multivariate peaks-over-thresholds modelling Abstract: Quantifying the human influence on climate change and identifying potential causes is a …
Abstract: Strong presentation skills are a key to success for researchers, yet many speakers are at a loss to tackle the task. …
Title: The evolution of trait variance creates a tension between species and functional diversity Abstract: It seems intuitively obvious that species diversity …
Title: Heterogeneous spreading in network models Abstract: I will present some of our recent results on the random walks on networks with …
Title: Pareto Models for Top Incomes Authors: Arthur Charpentier (UQAM) and Emmanuel Flachaire (Aix-Marseille University) Abstract: Top incomes are often related to …
Title: Functional and multitrophic mechanisms of species coexistence Abstract: Ecologists have been investigating for decades the mechanisms that maintain the diversity of …
Title: Statistical properties of second-order tensor decompositions Authors: Joni Virta, Christoph Kösner, Niko Lietzén, Klaus Nordhausen Abstract: Two classical tensor decompositions are …
Title: PercoMCV: A hybrid approach of community detection in social networks Abstract: Knowledge extraction in social networks is a needful tool as …
Title: The Quantum Chesire Cat: some new aspects and possibilities Abstract: Quantum Chesire Cat is a counterintuitive phenomenon that provides a new window …
Title: Network synchronisation with time-varying parameters Abstract: Many systems in nature, especially living systems, can be modelled as a collection of interacting …
Title: Pharmacokinetic modeling and strategies for drug dosing recommendation: application to meropenem Abstract: Pharmacokinetics (PK) studies the link between the dose and …
14h00-15h00: Hiroya Nakao, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan) Collective oscillations and synchronization in networks of coupled dynamical elements 15h00-15h40: Duccio Fanelli, Università …
Titre: Does a Sentiment Shock Help to Predict Monetary Policy: Evidence from the ECB Abstract: This paper aims to assess whether sentiment …
Title: On stability and control of nonlinear infinite-dimensional systems Abstract: We consider nonlinear dynamical systems whose state evolves in an infinite-dimensional space, …
Title: Effects of Non-normality on Turing Instability Abstract: Turing mechanism describes the emergence of spatial patterns in a reaction-diffusion system of two …
Annual naXys Research Day 2019 Who are we? What are our specificities? October 24th 2019 Salle Lucien Wargnies, 41B rue du Belvédère, …
Title: Uncertain times promote polarisation and reciprocation in a public goods game with risky commons Abstract: Anthropogenic climate change, public health measures …
Title: Koopman resolvent and Laplace-domain analysis of nonlinear autonomous dynamical systems Abstract: The motivation of the research is to establish a Laplace-domain …
Guest lecturer: Pr. Duccio Fanelli Macroscopic order from microscopic disorder: from endogenous noise to topology driven instability More info: https://www.unamur.be/sciences/mathematique/chairfrancqui2020
Guest lecturer: Pr. Duccio Fanelli
Guest lecturer: Pr. Duccio Fanelli
Title: Iapetus, the key to the whole system ? Abstract : Iapetus possesses all the attributes and characteristics of the whole system …
Title: Collective Decision Making: From Bees to Robots via Multiscale Modelling Abstract: I will give an overview of my studies on collective …
Guest lecturer: Pr. Duccio Fanelli
Guest lecturer: Pr. Duccio Fanelli
Title: Aspects of the secular dynamics of terrestrial orbits Abstract: The threat raised by space debris has vivified long-term studies of terrestrial …
Title: A Low-rank tensor based preconditioner for accelerating deformable 3D medical image registration Abstract: Modeled as a variational problem, the deformable 3D …
Title: The Concern in Climate Change News: A Driver of Flight-to-Green Investment Episodes? Abstract: Climate change can have a negative economic, social, …
Title: Branching Processes and their Application to Popularity Dynamics Abstract: Arising from a desire to understand the likelihood of a family name …
Abstract: When circumstances oblige you to deliver your presentation remotely from your office, your home, or even a hotel room, you face …
Title: MIME – Magnetic resonance Imaging of the Moving Eye Abstract: Vision is arguably the most important of our senses and it …
Title: A modified Levenberg-Maquardt method for large scale network adjustment We present a numerical optimization approach for the solution of large scale Network …
Title: An overview of astrophysical disc dynamics Astrophysical discs appear at all scales in the Universe, from rings around planets to galactic discs. …
Title: Dynamical Phase Transitions in Quantum Reservoir Computing Closed quantum systems may exhibit different dynamical regimes, such as Many-Body Localization or thermalization, …
Join to the online scientific & outreach conferences held at UNamur in the framework of the International Day of Women and Girls …
Title: The cell cycle as a temporal network of protein interactions Biological systems often operate over multiple timescales and their temporal organisation is …
Title: Gene expression modelling from cell population snapshot data using optimal mass transport Modelling gene expression is a central problem in systems biology. …
Title: Accelerating t-SNE using the Particle-Mesh Algorithm from Physics t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) is a well-known dimensionality reduction technique used for the …
Title: Maximal modularity and the optimal size of parliaments: how big should your parliament be? An important question in representative democracies is how …
Title: Brain network models of epilepsy propagation and surgery Clinical network neuroscience aims to apply the knowledge and tools from network science to …
Title: Dynamical analysis of resonant multi-planet systems Throughout this seminar, I intend to cover some of the general problems observed in the …
Le nouveau programme-cadre de l'Union européenne pour la recherche et l'innovation "Horizon Europe" a été lancé depuis janvier 2021. Il représente un budget de …
Title: Applications of the Heisenberg-Weyl group to quantum state tomography with focus on dimensions 2 (quits) and 3 (qutrits) Quantum state tomography aims …
Title: Overview on Cosmic Magnetism Issues We summarize some open questions around cosmic magnetic fields, from the theoretical and observational point of view. The …
Title: Live or die: Controlling the fate of cells in a tissue in real time using feedback-control microscopy Abstract: Think of cells …
Information and registration: https://www.unamur.be/recherche/services-adre/journee-des-instituts
Title: Stability of synchronization in simplicial complexes Various systems in physics, biology, social sciences and engineering have been successfully modeled as networks …
Lecture open to all naXys researchers Teacher: Juan Cabrera Program: Why use git. Basic use of git and gitlab. Some good practices. …
Title : Detecting High-Frequency Gravitational Waves with Resonant Electromagnetic Detectors In this talk the possibility to detect gravitational waves (GW) from planetary-mass primordial …
The 10th edition of the Belgian Network Research Meeting (BENet) will be organised by the naXys Institute at the University of …
Title: Using degree distribution of ecological networks to predict their responses to random and targeted species removals Facing the current biodiversity crisis, …
Title: Deconvolution estimation on hypersphere This paper considers nonparametric estimation with contaminated data observed on the unit hypersphere $S^d$. For such data, …
Doctoral School FNRS - Nonlinear phenomena, complex systems and statistical mechanics Time: 1-2-3 February 2022 - 9h30-12h45 Location: Université de Namur, Faculty …
Online Seminar - Join by using this link Title: "A Multi-Type Branching Process Method for Modelling Complex Contagion on Clustered Networks" Online …
11 February 2022 | 2nd edition The UNamur is organizing the 2nd edition of the Women and Girls in Science day, in …
The seminar will take place in person, Room S08, Faculty of Sciences Title: Predicting the impact of environmental change on coexistence I introduce …
Title: "Vaccination strategy design by a state-feedback control for an Age-Dependent epidemiologic model" An age-dependent SIR epidemic model is studied with an …
Title: Spectral identification of networks with generalized diffusive coupling Spectral network identification aims at inferring the eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix of …
Title: "Using social contact data to inform covid-19 epidemiological models and parameters" Concerning SARS-CoV-2 transmission as well as many other infectious diseases, …
Title: DECISION FROM INDECISION IN MULTI-AGENT MULTI-OPTION DYNAMICS How does a group of agents break indecision about a set of options? Many …
Title: Studying the topology of the space population using networks Abstract: With more than 23.000 tracked objects orbiting Earth, satellite operators find …
Title: On the evolution of mechanisms for collective decision making in a swarm of robots Abstract - A swarm of robots can collectively …
CH01 (Rue Grafé 2, 5000 Namur) Program MORNING SESSION (9.30-12.30) Registration 9.40-9.55: Welcome 9.55-10.40: Flash talks (Part I) 10.40-11.10: Coffee break 11.10-11.30: …
Title: Modelling Music with Multilayer Networks In this talk I will introduce our Multilayer Network Model for musical pieces. The goal of …
Title: Koopman and Perron-Frobenius operators on reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces Abstract: Koopman operators and reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS) share a common …
Title: Space-Manifold Dynamics for Small Solar-System Bodies Abstract: Centaurs are a prominent group of small Solar-System bodies in highly dispersed orbits between …
Title: Observer and control design for cell population models of yeast fermentation processes Abstract: In bioreactors, the lack of available online process …
Title: Partial Tail Correlation for Extremes Abstract: We develop a method for investigating conditional extremal relationships between variables. We consider an inner …
Authors: Yuzuru Kato and Hiroya Nakao* Title: Turing instability in quantum activator–inhibitor systems Abstract: We show that Turing instability, a fundamental mechanism …
Title: A calibration of chaos for the refinement of planetary systems Abstract: The observed diversity of planetary systems raises questions that challenge …
Title: Recent topics in complexity for nonconvex optimization problems Abstract: The talk will review results on the evaluation complexity of algorithms for …