Alexandre Bovet (UNamur – UCL)


Title: Opinion dynamics and fake versus traditional news influence in Twitter Abstract: We investigate the opinion of Twitter users during the 2016 …

Alexey Medvedev (UNamur)


Title:   Modelling structure and predicting dynamics of discussion threads in online boards using Hawkes processesAbstract:  Online social platforms provide a fruitful source …

Jean Teyssandier (Cornell University, USA)


Title: Orbital evolution during planet-⁠disc interactions Abstract: The origin and wide distribution of eccentricities and inclinations in planetary systems remains to be …

Julien Petit (Ecole Royale Militaire – UNamur)


Title : Peculiarities of reaction and diffusion on temporal networks Abstract: A common assumption in the ever-increasing literature on network-defined dynamical systems …

Aivar Sootla (University of Oxford)


Title: Applications of Monotone Systems Theory to Synthetic Biology Abstract: In this talk, we will discuss some mathematical problems arising in the …

Nikos Kouvaris (UNamur)


Title: Feedback induced stationary and oscillatory patterns in complex bistable networks Abstract: In this talk we will present theoretical and experimental findings on …

Pietro Coletti (University of Hasselt)


Title: Regular school closure & influenza epidemics: a data-driven spatial transmission model for Belgium Abstract: School closure is often considered as an …

Ludovic Renson (University of Bristol, UK)


Title: Exploring the dynamics of nonlinear experiments using control-based continuation Abstract: With the constant drive for better performance and efficiency, technological boundaries …

Takaaki Aoki (Kagawa University, Japan)


Title: Cities and roads as pattern formation of their co-evolving dynamics on real-world landscape Abstract: Cities and their inter-connected transport networks form …

Eleonora Andreotti (Università di Torino, Italy)


Title: Statistical properties of non linear random walks on networks Abstract: Random walks simulate various interacting entities (the nodes) which exchange ’particles’ …

naXys kick-off meeting

Le Grenier de l'Arsenal 11 rue Bruno, Namur, Belgium

Founded in 2010 as a research center, naXys has recently evolved into an Institute. Join us to celebrate our kick-off meeting. Program …

Alexandre Mayer (UNamur)


Title: An evolutionary computing approach to optical engineering Abstract: We present a genetic algorithm that we developed in order to address computationally …

Elio Tuci (UNamur)


Title: Three recent research works in swarm robotics Abstract: In this talk, I briefly illustrate objectives and achievements of three experiments that …

Alexis Coyette (UNamur)


Title: Modeling the rotation of Titan Abstract: Observation of the rotation of synchronously rotating satellites can help to probe their interior. We …

Germain Van Bever (UNamur)


Title: Symmetric Component Analysis and Functional Independent Component Analysis Abstract: With the increase in measurement precision, functional data is becoming common practice. …

Thomas Parmentier (UGhent)


Title: Ants and their associates as a model system to test host-symbiont network dynamics Abstract: An extremely large number of organisms engage …

Fabian Bastin (Université de Montréal)


Title: Staffing optimization in call centers Abstract: Call centers are prominent in modern life, and labor intensive. We aim to determine the …

Martin Gueuning (UNamur)


Title: Information Diffusion on Twitter: exploiting the timings of Retweets Abstract: Online social networks such as Twitter have emerged as influential platforms …

Ines Wilms (Maastricht University, Netherlands)


Title: Multi-class Vector AutoRegressive Models for Multi-Market Commodity Data Abstract: Vector AutoRegressive (VAR) models form a special case of multivariate regression models …

Anna Kiriliouk (UNamur)


Title: Climate event attribution using multivariate peaks-over-thresholds modelling Abstract: Quantifying the human influence on climate change and identifying potential causes is a …

Oscar Godoy (University of Cádiz, Spain)


Title: Functional and multitrophic mechanisms of species coexistence Abstract: Ecologists have been investigating for decades the mechanisms that maintain the diversity of …

Joni Virta (Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland)


Title: Statistical properties of second-order tensor decompositions Authors: Joni Virta, Christoph Kösner, Niko Lietzén, Klaus Nordhausen Abstract: Two classical tensor decompositions are …

Pauline Thémans (UNamur)


Title: Pharmacokinetic modeling and strategies for drug dosing recommendation: application to meropenem Abstract: Pharmacokinetics (PK) studies the link between the dose and …

Workshop Dynamical processes on networks


14h00-15h00: Hiroya Nakao, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan) Collective oscillations and synchronization in networks of coupled dynamical elements 15h00-15h40: Duccio Fanelli, Università …

Hamza Bennani (University Paris Nanterre)


Titre: Does a Sentiment Shock Help to Predict Monetary Policy: Evidence from the ECB Abstract: This paper aims to assess whether sentiment …

Anthony Hastir (UNamur)


Title: On stability and control of nonlinear infinite-dimensional systems Abstract: We consider nonlinear dynamical systems whose state evolves in an infinite-dimensional space, …

Riccardo Muolo (UNamur)


Title: Effects of Non-normality on Turing Instability Abstract: Turing mechanism describes the emergence of spatial patterns in a reaction-diffusion system of two …

naXys Research Day 2019

Salle Lucien Wargnies 41B rue du Belvédère, 5000 Namur (Salzinnes), Belgium

Annual naXys Research Day 2019 Who are we? What are our specificities? October 24th 2019 Salle Lucien Wargnies, 41B rue du Belvédère, …

Elias Fernández (VUB)


Title: Uncertain times promote polarisation and reciprocation in a public goods game with risky commons Abstract: Anthropogenic climate change, public health measures …

Yoshihiko Susuki (Osaka Prefecture University)


Title: Koopman resolvent and Laplace-domain analysis of nonlinear autonomous dynamical systems Abstract: The motivation of the research is to establish a Laplace-domain …

William Polycarpe (IMCCE, France)


Title: Iapetus, the key to the whole system ? Abstract : Iapetus possesses all the attributes and characteristics of the whole system …

Giovanni Reina (University of Sheffield, UK)


Title: Collective Decision Making: From Bees to Robots via Multiscale Modelling Abstract: I will give an overview of my studies on collective …

Jérôme Daquin (UNamur)


Title: Aspects of the secular dynamics of terrestrial orbits Abstract: The threat raised by space debris has vivified long-term studies of terrestrial …

Jean Teyssandier (Université de Namur)

Title: An overview of astrophysical disc dynamics Astrophysical discs appear at all scales in the Universe, from rings around planets to galactic discs. …

Maxime Lucas (Aix-Marseille University, France)

Title: The cell cycle as a temporal network of protein interactions Biological systems often operate over multiple timescales and their temporal organisation is …

Valentin Delchevalerie (Université de Namur)

Title: Accelerating t-SNE using the Particle-Mesh Algorithm from Physics t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) is a well-known dimensionality reduction technique used for the …

Luca Gamberi (King’s College London, UK)

Title: Maximal modularity and the optimal size of parliaments: how big should your parliament be? An important question in representative democracies is how …

Horizon Europe by ADRE (event in French)

Le nouveau programme-cadre de l'Union européenne pour la recherche et l'innovation "Horizon Europe" a été lancé depuis janvier 2021.  Il représente un budget de …

Introduction to Git

Lecture open to all naXys researchers Teacher: Juan Cabrera Program: Why use git. Basic use of git and gitlab. Some good practices. …

Nicolas Herman (Université de Namur)

Title : Detecting High-Frequency Gravitational Waves with Resonant Electromagnetic Detectors    In this talk the possibility to detect gravitational waves (GW) from planetary-mass primordial …

Camille Carpentier (Université de Namur)

Title: Using degree distribution of ecological networks to predict their responses to random and targeted species removals Facing the current biodiversity crisis, …

Jeong Min Jeon (KU Leuven & Université de Namur)

Title: Deconvolution estimation on hypersphere This paper considers nonparametric estimation with contaminated data observed on the unit hypersphere $S^d$. For such data, …

Women and Girls in Science @ UNamur

11 February 2022 | 2nd edition The UNamur is organizing the 2nd edition of the Women and Girls in Science day, in …

Frederik De Laender (Université de Namur)

The seminar will take place in person, Room S08, Faculty of Sciences Title: Predicting the impact of environmental change on coexistence I introduce …

Candy Sonveaux (Université de Namur)

Title:  "Vaccination strategy design by a state-feedback control for an Age-Dependent epidemiologic model" An age-dependent SIR epidemic model is studied with an …

Marvyn Gulina (Université de Namur)

Title: Spectral identification of networks with generalized diffusive coupling Spectral network identification aims at inferring the eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix of …

Matteo Romano (Université de Namur)

Title: Studying the topology of the space population using networks Abstract: With more than 23.000 tracked objects orbiting Earth, satellite operators find …

Ahmed Almansoori (Université de Namur)

Title: On the evolution of mechanisms for collective decision making in a swarm of robots Abstract - A swarm of robots can collectively …

naXys Research Day

CH01 (Rue Grafé 2, 5000 Namur) Program MORNING SESSION (9.30-12.30) Registration 9.40-9.55: Welcome 9.55-10.40: Flash talks (Part I) 10.40-11.10: Coffee break 11.10-11.30: …

Corbinian Schlosser (LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France)

Title: Koopman and Perron-Frobenius operators on reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces Abstract: Koopman operators and reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS) share a common …

Pascal Jerono (University of Namur)

Title: Observer and control design for cell population models of yeast fermentation processes Abstract: In bioreactors, the lack of available online process …

Jeongjin Lee (University of Namur)

Title: Partial Tail Correlation for Extremes Abstract: We develop a method for investigating conditional extremal relationships between variables. We consider an inner …

Manu Stalport (Geneva University, Switzerland)

Title: A calibration of chaos for the refinement of planetary systems Abstract: The observed diversity of planetary systems raises questions that challenge …

Philippe Toint (University of Namur)

Title: Recent topics in complexity for nonconvex optimization problems Abstract: The talk will review results on the evaluation complexity of algorithms for …