Ariane Courtot (IMCCE, France)

Title: Chaos in the Geminid Meteoroid stream Abstract: Meteor showers originate from a parent body (an asteroid or a comet). This parent …

Johan SEGERS (UCLouvain)

Title: Graphical and uniform consistency of estimated optimal transport plans Abstract: A general theory is provided delivering convergence of maximal cyclically monotone …

Women and Girls in Science Workshop

The event will take place in the Auditorium Rosalind Franklin (S01) of the Faculty of Sciences More information on the event, including …

Sylvério Pool Marquez (University of Namur)

Title: Impact of mixed-variable management by probability features in an Evolutionary Algorithm Abstract: The management of mixed variables, i.e., of different natures …

Lorena Ballesteros Ferraz (University of Namur)

Title: Geometrical and non-normal properties of weak values Authors: Lorena Ballesteros Ferraz, Dominique Lambert, Timoteo Carletti, Riccardo Muolo,and Yves Caudano Abstract: Quantum …

Francqui Chair 2022-2023

On topology and higher-order dynamics of networks and simplicial complexes Guest lecturer: Prof. Ginestra Bianconi, Queen Mary University London and the Alan …

Enoch Yeung (UC Santa Barbara (UCSB), USA)

Title: Data-Driven State Criticality and Observability with Koopman Operator Methods Abstract: I will present two major results to show the use of …

André Füzfa (UNamur)

Title: Fundamentals of relativistic astrodynamics and rocketry Abstract: Astrodynamics traditionally denotes the study of controlled flight paths of human-made spacecraft (Kaplan, 1976). …

Women and Girls in Science

The International Day of Women and Girls in Science takes place every 11th of February, following the declaration by the General Assembly …

Morine Delhelle (UCLouvain)

Title : Copula based dependent censoring in cure models with covariates Abstract : In survival data analysis, datasets with both a cure fraction (individuals …

Michaël Fanuel (Université de Lille)

Title : Sparsification of the magnetic Laplacian with statistical guarantees Abstract :   Laplacian matrices are discrete analogues of Laplacian differential operators, …

Jean-Charles Delvenne (UCLouvain)

Title : Markov chains, transport theory and statistical physics Abstract : We look at the following motivating problem: how to move an …

Valentin Delchevalerie (UNamur)

Title : SO(2) and O(2) Equivariance in Image Recognition with Bessel-Convolutional Neural Networks Abstract : For many years, it has been shown …

Benoît Bonnet-Weill (CNRS)

Title : A Set-Valued Approach to Koopman Operators for Control Systems Abstract : In this talk, I will present a new approach …

Jean-François de Kemmeter (UNamur)

Title : Random walks on networks with limiting nodes carrying capacities Abstract : Over the last years, network science has emerged as …

Williams Dhelonga (UNamur)

Title : Exploring Weak measurements within the Einstein-Dirac Cosmological framework. Abstract : Our study applies the Two-State Formalism alongside weak measurements within …

Christian Bick (VU Amsterdam)

Title : Higher-order Interaction Networks: Phase Reduction, Synchronization, and Global Dynamics  Abstract : Synchronization is a fascinating effect of the interaction between …

Corbinian Schlösser (INRIA Paris)

Title : Identifying low dimensional systems from high dimensional observations Abstract : Motivated by the increasing availability of motion data through multiple …